
Best Online Aneros Progasm Black Ice Prostate Massager Online now

With the looks of a sleek black sports car and the feel of the popular Progasm Ice, the Progasm Black Ice is ready to send sensations up your spine.

The newest black Ice Progasm has the same qualities as glass, except it’s more rigid! 

Super-smooth, and designed for more prostate sensation as you contract your muscles around this prostate plug.

  • Large, angled head for more prostate pressure
  • Expands in midsection for more girth
  • Tabs designed for responsiveness
  • Moves with balance as you clench
  • Super-smooth, onyx-like finish
  • For intermediate to advanced users
  • 20-year Aneros anniversary edition

Dimensions: (see picture #2 for diagram with letters)

A. Head Width: 1.28 in
B. Head Depth: 1.15 in
C. Mid Ridge Width: 1.13 in
D. Mid Ridge Depth: 1.25 in
E. Stem to Perineum: 1.5 in
F. Insertable Length: 4.0 in